How I’m doing……

One thing I’ve failed to address in the blogs thus far is how I’m doing. Since most of you haven’t seen me in years, and in many cases, decades, you may have assumed that I’m quickly declining and planning the final party. You’ve probably seen Steve Gleason on the ESPYs or Steve McMichael on the Pro Football Hall of Fame ceremony… and that’s not me… at least not yet. I’m still going 100 mph with my hair on fire (well, the hair burned off many years ago), and am as big a pain as ever to Amy.

Last summer we took our annual bike trip to South Dakota and spent a couple of weeks staying at our beloved little rental cabin, riding the Harleys through our favorite winding roads, hiking our favorite trails, jumping over a couple of rattlesnakes, and spending a lot of time together on the deck looking out on Spring Creek Canyon. It was the first trip on bikes since my diagnosis and despite a bit of cramping, I was able to ride without too many issues. (Although I’m pretty sure there are some curves out there that my doctors wouldn’t approve of.)

Almost forgot to mention that our vacation started by being evacuated from a forest fire. This photo below was taken about three miles northwest of our cabin. It’s dense forest with ponderosa pines. There had been no rain in weeks, 12% humidity, no chance of rain, and the winds were supposed to change from the south to the north sending the fire right for us. I sent a text to my men’s group from church asking for prayers, and also called our insurance agent to make sure everything was covered.

That night it started to rain. The next morning, the forest service broadcast a statement stating it must have been a miracle as it rained all the next day and helped battle the fire. Vacation saved.

Having survived the forest fire, with a little help from our friends, the vacation continued. This little cabin is our Heaven on earth, a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. It’s tucked back in the forest, southwest of Rapid City, with a deck that looks down on Spring Creek Canyon, and a 300-foot drop. We did have a few problems with security – they can be very judgmental about who’s allowed in:

The vacation ended with a spectacular hot air balloon parade that came down the canyon above and below our deck, thus putting a great exclamation point on an unbelievably blessed block of time away. (Special note: when you hurry out to the deck to take pictures, remember to put on your pants!)

To summarize today’s post: I’m doing great! I have yet to tell anyone about my condition who hasn’t been completely stunned. If I walked up to you on the street, you would have no idea I have ALS. There is a loss of strength and coordination in my left hand, and I have fasciculations throughout all my muscles, but they aren’t really visible to you (which means if you want to try a little one-on-one basketball against me, just push me left… you may stand a chance KP!).

I’ve started to hear from many others suffering from, and caring for, those with Lou Gehrig’s disease. This is making me realize how unbelievably blessed I am to have the love and prayers of so many people. I believe I am doing as well as I am because of your support. Going forward, please remember to pray for all those going through life afflicted with ALS. I’ve made it my mission to include in my prayers all who have reached out to me, asking for peace, patience, purpose, and courage.

Since I’ve written about an active but peaceful vacation, I’d like to share a prayer I found on GodTube asking for just that:

A prayer for peace.

Gracious Lord, my heart can become easily overwhelmed by the busyness of my life. Please forgive me when the tasks of the day, and the demands of my schedule, crowd out the space needed to be still in your presence. I know you promise that I can do all things through you who strengthen me, but I can become so easily flustered as I try to muscle my way through life in my own effort.

I pray that you increase within me the capacity for patience. Lead me into times where I am called to rely not on my own strength but yours. Move me into places where I am called only to stop, to rest, to breathe, or to listen. Help me be still and know you here, now.

More than anything, Jesus, help me observe the hours and the minutes of my day as firmly in your schedule. Give me the strength to step outside of my plans for this moment so that I can enter more deeply into your will. You are Lord of this time, and I lay before you as your servant.

I pray all of this in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord


And, a song for today, since I’ve been writing about prayer… here’s Luke Bryan singing “Pray About Everything.”

And just because I love this song so much, here’s Crowder with “Somebody Prayed.”

Thank you for sharing your time with me by reading my blog. Please feel free to pass this along to anyone who may need an injection of joy into their lives.

God bless, always.


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12 Responses

  1. John Mullins says:

    Hey Greg, I wonder if that basketball goal is still up at your parent’s house in Derby? Playing some 3 man cut-throat was some of the best of times brother.

    • Coach says:

      It’s just to bad we could never beat KP. I think, or at least he thinks, he went undefeated all those years.

  2. Sandy Shaw says:

    Continued prayers for you and Amy!

  3. Jeanne Beanzy Walsh says:

    Beautiful pics of you and Breezy on your trip out west. Feelin it with you guys in the wind and in my prayers. 💞

  4. Bryant says:

    You’re an inspiration. I see you all the time and can’t believe that you’re fighting ALS. Prayers will continue.

    • Coach says:

      Thanks Bryant. Ever since I read a quote “when you see a smile, you see God” it gave me the inspiration to create as many smiles as possible.

  5. Teri K Hess says:

    Coach and Amy, My heart is sad with this news. However, the fact that you have the Lord is a huge positive for the good guys. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.  Philippians 4:13. And you have my prayers, support and love along with many other friends. I am reminded of our first meeting at the Tanque Verde Guest Ranch when you two came there as a substitute vacation to one that was canceled, I believe it was. What a great “chance meeting”. You and Steve being from Oklahoma originally. Amy and I immediately becoming friends. No children. We all had so much in common. We met Amy’s parents in Phoenix and were introduced us to “Dancing With the Stars” or one of those types of shows. We made a trip to Chicago in the winter. Why did we come in the winter? And there was a Christmas Party for your employees on a boat that we attended. I will never forget being entertained by one of the guy’s unique dance styles, until his leg fell off! That was rather shocking! We visited another time in the spring or summer when you owned the riding stable. And Amy’s dad grilled food for a lunch or dinner and what a chef he was! We rode horses in a Park and included Tucson friends, Tom and Diane Chambers, who had recently moved to the area.
    And you drove to Tucson and bought our living quarters horse trailer to haul your stuffed rodeo bull to photo events.
    Those are the memories going through my head. I am reading your blogs and happy to hear of your positive attitude. My best to both of you. Let me know if there is anything I can do or if you want a nurse by your sides. I’ll be there.

    • Coach says:

      Hey Teri, Thanks for the awesome thoughts and sharing some great memories. I’m sure many more will come up as the weeks, and hopefully years pass.

  6. Paul Fowler says:

    Thanks for sharing this Greg. I’m enjoying the blog and the comments. I think this is the start of your autobiography!