How Did I Get ALS?

“How?” and “Why?” were early questions I constantly asked myself. I had to ask myself because no one else was asking.
Tests were ordered and performed to see if I had the inherited version of ALS, and those tests came back negative. This was surprising to me because I believe that my grandfather passed away from incorrectly diagnosed Parkinson’s disease and undiagnosed Lou Gehrig’s disease.
A Lyme disease test that specifically checked for antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi was done and that also came back negative. I was shocked since we had lost two of our employees at the ranch to ALS and ticks were prevalent around the property. This prompted additional research into the Lyme tests themselves where I learned that they don’t have the best track record for being accurate. I read of a much more accurate test that is not covered by insurance and is expensive. I have not yet done this test, but you can learn more about the research and test here:
Borrelia Bacteria and ALS Connection
So where do I stand now? That’s a great question that I still do not have, and may never have, an answer to. Originally, I convinced myself that my diagnosis was the result of Lyme disease, but I just can’t count out the number of brain traumas I have suffered over my lifetime. Years of football, getting bucked off of horses, and maybe a motorcycle accident all could have contributed to the onset. My first, and only officially diagnosed concussion came from getting knocked out in a basketball game when I was in 9th grade (I was called for a 3 second violation while unconscious?!?). Playing football in the 70’s, we practiced “form tackling” every day, which, in today’s game, would get you kicked out for targeting and fined in the NFL. Add in all the other crazy things I may or may not have done, and they all add up to a pretty fair argument that TBI (traumatic brain injury) could be a major contributing factor to my condition.
I’ve accepted that I will probably never have an answer to what triggered my ALS. I have also accepted the probable outcome. What I am not accepting of is letting Lou Gehrig’s disease take away my joy for life, today, tomorrow, or ever. I’ve been blessed with an incredible life thus far and I’m not ready to write the final chapter.
Since launching this blog, the outpouring of support along with the sharing of memories have solidified my resolve to keep sharing my joy and encouraging everyone else to find theirs as well – no matter the circumstances. On this note, one inspiring book that was recommended by a close friend that I recently read is Fight Back With Joy by Margaret Feinberg (more about this book in the “From the Library” tab).
My best friend reached out and shared this quote with me from Deion Sanders. I think it’s worth passing along.

And to end today’s blog post, here’s a song from Matthew West that I heard on my way to school this morning. It lifted my spirits and brightened my day. I hope it does the same for you.
Thank you all for your support. Take care and God bless.
Im here with you Coach. Just know you’ve always inspired me. Not just the bar owner, the business man but the human being. You were always good to me and I know a lot of people feel that way. You made Durkins employees and customers feel like we were a big family and we were. My years hanging out there or you can almost say living there, lol. We’re some of the best years of my life. I met great people and it changed my life. Your a good human being and I believe God gives us battles to check our strength and faith, and sir your showing him that he’s your strength and through him you will prosper. been through some tough times these last two years and than I see what your going through and how your handling things and it’s another testament to the person you are and how much more you keep inspiring me and other people. I’ll keep you in my prayers coach and I’ll be following you every step of the way even if it’s from a phone. STAY STRONG COACH!!🙏🏽
Hey Jaime. You didn’t live at Durkin’s but you were even closer than I was. As I recall, your apartment was the scene of many after parties. Thanks so much for the encouraging words. Staying strong is the only way I know how to do things.
This quote!! It’s going to be shared! 🎉💕
Hopefully it’s not the last.
From my family to yours, may God bless you.
Right back at you Mike.
Damn’ The plot thickens. I want to see this ranch sir!
Stay tuned Big D. More to much more to come.
That was perfect! Just thinking of the great times we had growing up in Derby . The many camp outs at Fall River are some of my favorite memories. Stay strong Greg, prayers and blessings for you and Amy. ✌️
Making it through those days at Fall River made me strong.
Thank you needed that today.. ..
Very happy to help.
Hi Coach,
Sorry to hear you have ALS, I totally get it my niece has it. I love your blog It all came from the heart., I love your positive attitude and you going over things you have done over the years, I say you really lived life, that’s awesome. I like the way you keep moving forward and looking for light at the end of the tunnel. You’ve always had a great heart, at least I thought you did when I met you and you were so giving to everybody, great personality, great laugh you & Amy you’re very much people persons. You have one of the kindest souls, I know. I will be adding you to my prayers, sending positive vibes your way. I love your positive attitude. Stay Strong!! We’re all here for you. Anything you need just ask.
God Be with you 🤗 Dorothy ❤️🙏🙏🙏
Hey Dorothy. Thanks for the great response. I’m just living life the only way I no how, 100mph with my hair on fire, though most of that already burned off. I’ll take the prayers and raise you with 5 good vibes.
Thank you Dorothy. Your words make it all worth it. Special prayers for you niece.